Why does this SLS AMG have plastic in front of its windows?

Why does this SLS AMG have plastic in front of its windows?

The following spot is one with a story. But we don't know which story yet. We think of two stories which we also see in the reactions below the spot. It could be an electrical failure but it could also be vandalism. What do you think it will be?

The electrical failure seems legit. It would explain why the doors aren't locked and also why the windows aren't closed. Every now and then it rains in Cannes so the owner decided to tape some plastic in front of the windows because he didn't want to have a wet interior. On the other side, it seems quite strange. It isn't something that happens very often, but still, it would be possible.

The other option is vandalism. It could be that someone knocked the windows to grab something inside the car. That happens quite often and a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG has quite some expensive equipment on board. But this story is also quite strange because, why would you knock in two windows instead of one?

As you can see, there are two possibilities but what do you think that happened? Is it an electrical failure, vandalism or maybe even something else?

Wat doet deze SLS AMG met plastic voor de ruiten?

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