A bizarre vehicle - The Le Mansory

A bizarre vehicle - The Le Mansory

The Le Mansory is a completely modified Ford GT that no longer looks much like a GT.

Many people do not find it cool that supercars like the Ford GT are tuned and modified. On the one hand, it can damage the value of the car, and on the other hand, it cannot be converted back to a regular Ford GT. But the super-rich in Dubai seem not to be interested in the fact that a car is being violated in such a way. That is probably the place where most Mansory supercars are driving around. We have also had the Chiron on our website.

In the end, no one can forbid anyone from defacing a Ford GT in this way, fortunately only three Ford GTs will have to suffer from it...

A bizarre vehicle - The Le MansoryClick on the link to see more from this spot!

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