Toronto, an underrated city for spotting

  • Kevin
  • 2013-01-30 16:00
  • 3325
  • 1

Toronto, an underrated city for spotting

The most European spotters will travel to cities like Monaco, Paris or London to capture the most exquisite cars on their memory cards. These are the main locations where you think when you say car spotting. Of course there are many other places where you can spot good, but not all these places are known so well. Toronto is one of these places, I talk out of experience as I lived there for a year.

Toronto is the biggest city of Canada with 2.6 million inhabitants and is located in the province of Ontario, where it also is the capital city. Toronto is called one of the bearable cities in the world, partly because of its environment friendliness and sustainability, but also because of the low percentage of criminality. That’s why there is so much welth in Toronto, and of course supercars match with that.

Toronto, an underrated city for spotting
Toronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spotting

The city region where you can see most supercars is Yorkville. Due many chic hotels, exclusive restaurants and expensive stores it is a good place to spot exotic cars. The Hazelton Hotel is a good suggestion if you want to see exotic cars, they always park the nicest cars in front of the hotel. This is the favourite location for spotters in Toronto, if there are spotters in Toronto at all.

Toronto, an underrated city for spotting
Toronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spotting

The other region where you can catch many exotics is Forest Hill, the neighbourhood where I lived a few years myself. Forest Hill is one of the most welthy neighbourhoods in Toronto. Just go into a random street with big houses and you will see plenty of exotic cars parked in front of it. If you don’t want to go through all these small streets, just go to the small centre of the neighbourhood where you also always see exclusive cars. Despite all this the neighbourhood isn’t popular for spotters.

Toronto, an underrated city for spotting

Summarized, enough exotic cars drive around in Toronto, and these aren’t always cars of people living in or near Toronto. Also the Gumball 3000 has found its way to Toronto last year.

Toronto, an underrated city for spotting
Toronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spotting

Further you can find several other shopping malls, parking garages and luxurious hotels where exclusive cars can be found instantly. You never have to search for a long time to see something extraordinary.

Toronto, an underrated city for spotting
Toronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spottingToronto, an underrated city for spotting

If you’re not sure yet where you will go to in the summer holidays, Toronto is a good suggestion. In the summer the weather’s mostly very nice, there’s plenty to do and, not unimportant for a car fan, there are a lot of supercars. I’m sure I can be found there in a meantime.

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